Beispiel: <xenoData> (non-TEI metadata)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <xenoData> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <xenoData> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

2 The TEI Header

<xenoData> (en)

  <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
   <dc:title>The description of a new world, called the blazing-world</dc:title>
   <dc:creator>The Duchess of Newcastle</dc:creator>
   <dc:identifier>British Library, 8407.h.10</dc:identifier>
   <dc:subject>utopian fiction</dc:subject>
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
   <dc:title>The Description of a New World, Called the Blazing-World, 1668</dc:title>
   <dc:creator>Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle</dc:creator>
   <dc:publisher>Women Writers Project</dc:publisher>
   <dc:subject>utopian fiction</dc:subject>
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<xenoData> (en)

  <cc:Work rdf:about="">
   <dc:title>Applied Software Project Management - review</dc:title>
   <dc:type rdf:resource=""/>
   <dc:license rdf:resource=""/>
  <cc:License rdf:about="">
   <cc:permits rdf:resource=""/>
   <cc:permits rdf:resource=""/>
   <cc:requires rdf:resource=""/>
   <cc:requires rdf:resource=""/>
   <cc:permits rdf:resource=""/>
   <cc:requires rdf:resource=""/>
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<xenoData> (en)

  <dc:title>The colonial despatches of Vancouver Island and British
     Columbia 1846-1871: 11566, CO 60/2, p. 291; received 13 November.
     Trevelyan to Merivale (Permanent Under-Secretary)</dc:title>
  <dc:publisher>University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media
     Centre, and UVic Libraries</dc:publisher>
  <dc:rights>This document is licensed under a Creative Commons …</dc:rights>
  <dc:language>(SCHEME=ISO639) en</dc:language>
  <dc:source>Transcribed from microfilm and/or original documents, and
     marked up in TEI P5 XML. The interactive XHTML resource is generated
     from the XHTML using XQuery and XSLT.</dc:source>
  <dc:source>repository: CO</dc:source>
  <dc:source>coNumber: 60</dc:source>
  <dc:source>coVol: 2</dc:source>
  <dc:source>page: 291</dc:source>
  <dc:source>coRegistration: 11566</dc:source>
  <dc:source>received: received 13 November</dc:source>
  <dc:subject>Trevelyan, Sir Charles Edward</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject>Merivale, Herman</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject>Elliot, T. Frederick</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject>Moody, Colonel Richard Clement</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject>Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject>Jadis, Vane</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject>Carnarvon, Earl</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject>British Columbia</dc:subject>
  <dc:description>British Columbia correspondence: Public Offices
     document (normally correspondence between government
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<xenoData> (en)

   <mods:title>Academic adaptation and cross-cultural
       learning experiences of Chinese students at American
   <mods:subTitle>a narrative inquiry</mods:subTitle>
  <mods:name type="personal"

    <mods:roleTerm authority="marcrelator"
   <mods:affiliation>Northeastern University</mods:affiliation>
   <mods:namePart type="given">Hong</mods:namePart>
   <mods:namePart type="family">Zhang</mods:namePart>
  <mods:name type="personal"

    <mods:roleTerm authority="local"
   <mods:namePart type="given">Liliana</mods:namePart>
   <mods:namePart type="family">Meneses</mods:namePart>
<!-- ... -->
  <mods:genre>doctoral theses</mods:genre>
    <mods:placeTerm type="text">Boston (Mass.)</mods:placeTerm>
   <mods:publisher>Northeastern University</mods:publisher>
   <mods:copyrightDate encoding="w3cdtf"
   <mods:languageTerm authority="iso639-2b"
   <mods:form authority="marcform">electronic</mods:form>
   <mods:digitalOrigin>born digital</mods:digitalOrigin>
<!-- ... -->
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<xenoData> (en)

<xenoData xml:space="preserve"> <![CDATA[ {     "features": [         {             "geometry": {                 "type": "Point",                 "coordinates": [                     68.388483,                     33.498616                 ]             },             "type": "Feature",             "id": "darmc-location-19727",             "properties": {                 "snippet": "Unknown; 330 BC - AD 300",                 "link": "",                 "description": "5M scale point location",                 "location_precision": "precise",                 "title": "DARMC location 19727"             }         }     ],     "id": "59694",     "subject": [         "dare:ancient=1",         "dare:feature=settlement",         "dare:major=0"     ],     "title": "Arachosiorum Oppidum/Alexandria",     "provenance": "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 6 B3 Arachosiorum Oppidum/Alexandria",     "placeTypeURIs": [         ""     ],     "details": "<p>The Barrington Atlas Directory notes: Kalat-e-Ghilzai? AFG</p>",     "@context": {         "snippet": "dcterms:abstract",         "rights": "dcterms:rights",         "description": "dcterms:description",         "title": "dcterms:title",         "dcterms": "",         "subject": "dcterms:subject",         "uri": "@id",         "created": "dcterms:created"     },     "review_state": "published",     "type": "FeatureCollection",     "description": "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 6 B3 Arachosiorum Oppidum/Alexandria",     "reprPoint": [         68.388483,         33.498616     ],     "placeTypes": [         "settlement"     ],     "bbox": [         68.388483,         33.498616,         68.388483,         33.498616     ],     "rights": "Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under CC-BY.",     "created": "2010-09-23T04:31:55Z",     "uri": "",     "creators": [         {             "username": null,             "name": "M.U. Erdosy"         }     ],     "@type": "Place" } ]]> </xenoData>
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2.5 Non-TEI Metadata

  <cc:Work rdf:about="">
   <dc:title>Applied Software Project Management - review</dc:title>
   <dc:type rdf:resource=""/>
   <dc:license rdf:resource=""/>
  <cc:License rdf:about="">
   <cc:permits rdf:resource=""/>
   <cc:permits rdf:resource=""/>
   <cc:requires rdf:resource=""/>
   <cc:requires rdf:resource=""/>
   <cc:permits rdf:resource=""/>
   <cc:requires rdf:resource=""/>