
att.coordinated provides attributes that can be used to position their parent element within a two dimensional coordinate system.
組件 transcr — Representation of Primary Sources
成員 line path surface zone
start⚓︎ indicates the element within a transcription of the text containing at least the start of the writing represented by this zone or surface.
狀態 非必備的
資料類型 teidata.pointer
ulx⚓︎ gives the x coordinate value for the upper left corner of a rectangular space.
狀態 非必備的
資料類型 teidata.numeric
uly⚓︎ gives the y coordinate value for the upper left corner of a rectangular space.
狀態 非必備的
資料類型 teidata.numeric
lrx⚓︎ gives the x coordinate value for the lower right corner of a rectangular space.
狀態 非必備的
資料類型 teidata.numeric
lry⚓︎ gives the y coordinate value for the lower right corner of a rectangular space.
狀態 非必備的
資料類型 teidata.numeric
points⚓︎ identifies a two dimensional area by means of a series of pairs of numbers, each of which gives the x,y coordinates of a point on a line enclosing the area.
狀態 非必備的
資料類型 3–∞ 次可出現: teidata.point 以空白鍵隔開